I died as a mistress to be reborn as a Mistress

But he's only a man. Sometimes I find his rhetoric destabilizing and inherently dangerous.
Sometimes I wish there would exist an idea of an androgynous womb that would help him to
cultivate wholehearted dedication instead of his desperate clinging to fantasies of a ready-
made perfect woman- a younger version of me on contraceptive pills.
He's lucky. He doesn't need to prove himself. He's a man.
But then again, Do I really need to prove myself? No. I don't need to prove, I don't need to
fight to establish my reputation and make a living. I don't need to prove in order to be living
and loving.
I slip into my depths. Yoni mudra. My ears and eyes are closed hence I see and hear everything. More than me and more than him. I hear the painful truth.
We are not claustrofobic neighbours anymore but Hampstead Heath still works as our
spacious learning room. We never used it as a bedroom as I recently decided to keep that
space only for beyond special person- The One who will accept and love me wholly.
My sexual relationships won't be pointless and worthless. I'm not pursuing empty and
fruitless endeavors with men who love my sexual desire but reject my fertile
womanhood (or my Higher Self).
He says my yoni is unique but he ignores that it comes in a package with pro-creative
potentials of my womb. I still remember the day I've got morning Sickness because of listening to his tone of voice in the message he sent me. He was terrified I might have been pregnant and so was I. I hoped I've got my morning sickness because he dared to legitimate himself as a superior overseer of my
gestational body.
It hurts to love a man in patriarchal culture. It kills to love a man who doesn't challenge himself and patriarchy- by accepting and loving Woman wholly.
I've lost my voice too many times. I envy him and all the men because they haven't. I envy
their every-day world of sexual attractions. But then I look deeper and see there is nothing to
envy. The majority of men never reach sexual maturation. Never, because they're too
ignorant to connect sex to spirit. Never, because they're afraid of the wisdom of our wombs.
Never, because they want to shut it off for them to enjoy careless irresposible fuck (even if it
comes from "love").
I made a pact to become self-sufficient without the need to prove myself to anything or
anybody, including him. And I am me again. Me, the non-envious. Me beyond assessing
Me trying to be deeply satisfied on my own. Deep in my nature I'm a mystic. My deepest
heartfelt mission is fully welcoming a deep union. And yes, we are equal- men and women-,
at least in a sense of equally adamant. My sexuality is finally getting liberated from any
compromising ways.
So where are all the male mannequines and the Mistresses? We set aside all concerns
with self-promotion and concentrate on healing.
We're the hidden gems of this merry-go-round global capitalist society.
I died as a mistress (hidden lover) to be reborn as a Mistress (a feminine form of "Master").
From hamster wheel to The Wheel of Life. My experience, heart-felt faith, love and support
give a strong jump start to anyone interested in tantric spiritual practice and The Art of Loving.
(written in Hampstead London, November 2018)